December 23rd and December 28th: Curbside grab and go meals will also be available for pick up
on Wednesday, December 23rd AND Monday, December 28th from 10:30AM-12 Noon. Meals for the
entire week will be available for one time pick up. Meals are available to all children age 18 and
The December menu can be found HERE. Curbside meals will continue to be a variety of items
based on product availability. Thank you for your participation in our meal program!
January 4th – 29th: Curbside meals will be available Monday-Friday 10:30AM-11:30AM from the
west staff parking lot drive through at Prairie Hill Elementary. Meals will be available for daily or
weekly pick up for virtual and hybrid students. (Pick up will not be available on January 18th – No
school.) For weekly meal pick up, please schedule ahead by calling or emailing Food and
Nutrition at 319-848-5337 or vscott@crprairie.org or mmiddleton@crprairie.org.
If you are not able to pick up at the scheduled time, we may be able to make arrangements to
accommodate your needs. If you do not have access to the necessary equipment to cook
frozen meals, we can make accommodations to the meals we provide to your children.