Board of Education
8005 Prairie Spirit Lane Drive SW Cedar Rapids, IA College Community School District Board Room
Welcome and thank you for your interest in the College Community School District. We are a diverse school district of approximately 5,800 students which serves the communities of the south portion of Cedar Rapids, Ely, Fairfax, Shueyville, Swisher, Walford and rural portions of Benton, Johnson, and Linn Counties. We are fortunate to have a dedicated team of administrators, teachers, and support staff. College Community thrives on the strong support of our parents and communities. I encourage parental and community involvement thru the variety of opportunities that exist such as PTOs, clubs and organizations, committees, classroom volunteers and the many other opportunities that exist.
The Board of Education, which serves as the policy making body for the district, is comprised of seven elected members, each of who serve a four year term. Our Board of Education meets monthly in the Board Room which is in the District Office. Board meetings are open to the public, and I encourage you to attend our meetings which are usually held on the 3rd Monday of the month. However, please check the calendar which is located on the website for any changes in dates and/or times.
At College Community you can count on our teachers, administrators and support staff to provide a solid foundation in learning and development of our students. Our School Board understands the importance of supporting our teachers and administration while maintaining the fiscal responsibility of the College Community School District and the communities that we serve. Thank you for allowing us to represent your interests as a community and the interests of the College Community students!
We hope to see you at our meetings and in our classrooms sharing whatever time and talents you have. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact a board member.

Board of Education