FREE Grab and Go Meals for ALL Children 18 Years and Under and Free meals for participants of College Community School District Daycare and Summer School
Grab and Go Sign Up: https://forms.gle/oQ6FbEe3G7ofoiSp6
The College Community School District is participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Meals will be provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service.
Meals will be provided, at a first come, first serve basis, at the sites and times as follows:
Grab and Go Meals
7 days’ worth of Grab and Go Meals will be available for pick up every Wednesday from June 9th-August 11th, 2021. Pick up will be available from Prairie High School from the District Office parking lot drive thru from 10:30AM-12:30PM. Meals are FREE and are available for all children 18 years and younger. Menus for grab n go meals are attached. Sign up is not required but is appreciated.
Grab and Go Sign Up: https://forms.gle/oQ6FbEe3G7ofoiSp6
Free breakfast and lunch meals will also be provided Monday- Friday for participants in CCSD Daycare from June 5th- August 13, 2021.
Summer School at Ridge
Free breakfast and lunch meals will also be provided Monday- Thursday for participants in the College Community Summer School Program July 12-30, 2021.